Passion Versus Pay Cheque

For many years I worked as a means to an end – there were highlights, but on the whole, I was unfulfilled. I touched many lives and I know I impacted them, but I felt that there was so much more I could give – so many areas I could share that I hadn’t for various reasons such as time restraints, policy restraints, job descriptions, hierarchies, organisational cultures, politics...



More than education, more than experience, more than training, a person’s resilience will determine who succeeds and who fails – this is true in a hospital ward, it is true in the Olympics, it is true in the boardroom and it is true in life.



Thousands of leaders have great external leadership skills but no inner character. There are also thousands of people of great character who do not have the necessary leadership skills. Strength, intelligence, logic, experience, humour, selflessness, loyalty, optimism, enthusiasm and even mystique may be some of the qualities that describe a great leader, but I will emphasise the qualities that I consider imperative for a celebrated leader…


Whistle Blowing: A Lonely Walk

During 2009, three people, independently of each other, not even knowing each other, used the words “brave and courageous” when they introduced me. I was then described as “fearless” by yet a fourth relatively unfamiliar business person.


Power, Ethics And EQ

People are excited and relieved to receive confirmation of what they’ve instinctively known all along: that IQ needn’t be taken quite so seriously as before and that other factors are at least as important when it comes to success in life. In fact in order to take advantage of and flex our cognitive intelligence to the maximum, we first need good emotional intelligence.